Saturday, May 8, 2010

God's Baby Provision Part 2

We rolled into the winter living off our savings until finally Bryan decided that we would go to North Carolina so he could do some work for his parents.  I was wrapping up the first trimester. Quite honestly I didn't want to go on a 19 hour car trip with 3 children when I had to pee every hour and still lived on the edge of the nausea cliff.  We were also staying in someone else's home, albeit it was vacant, but still... And after declaring that maybe the kids and I should stay back, Bryan decided that we would take the plundge and leave. Yes, all of us.  This was a huge submission issue for me. I knew it was best to honor my husband, but I was so uncertain of how things were going to turn out. And for all my precious close friends, you know how much of a homebody I am. So this was a stretch! But I trusted God's leadership over my husband. And I am so glad I did because what was supposed to be a 2 week trip turned into an almost 2 month trip. I would have gone mad without Bryan with me for 2 months!!

So from January 2010 until Valentine's Day, we lived in North Carolina. And God provided for us financially. We also got to see precious family and friends, which was such a refreshment.  And I went to a local OB doctor in Wilmington for a 17 week checkup and instead of paying the scheduled $400, I paid $100 for that visit. That was a huge relief.  

Once back in Texas, I got a call from a friend who had a glider rocker she wanted to pass on to me.  She had rocked all 3 of her babies in it so I knew it was a sentimental sacrifice for her to hand it over. (Thanks Greta!) When I arrived at her home to pick it up, I discovered a beautiful cherrywood glider with off white fabric, all in perfect shape! I was amazed!! What a gift! We moved that into our empty nursery and I sat in it and prayed to my Father, thanking Him for His great love for me.

A month later another friend called me to let me know she had some baby items that I was more than welcome to have. Now as a reminder, we needed, well ... everything.  And we were recovering from the winter downfall.  So we couldn't just go and buy whatever we needed.  I went to her house one Saturday morning and loaded my van full of baby items. This included a changing table in brand new condition (side note: it was an exact match to the crib that we still had from Ellie), a very nice baby stroller with the car seat and base, 3 boxes of baby clothes, a baby bath, and an ENTIRE nursery bedding set. That included the bumper, sheets, curtains, a child's size chair, area rug, quilt, wall decor and lamp shade. God had blown my mind. Might I add that my friend (Thanks Kim!) also passed on 2 huge bags of clothes for Sarah, which we needed too.  Infact I had told my mother-in-law and hour before Kim called me to let me know she had the items, that we were waiting on God to provide clothes for Sarah.  And He did.  Kim's side of this story? She had a yard sale and couldn't figure out why the crib sold, but not the changing table, stroller, car seat and bedding set. We stood in her driveway and laughed over God's amazing Sovereign hand!

I think one thing that is so great about God is that He cares about every detail of our lives. I forget this so often, but he regularly reminds me.  If He knows the exact number of hairs on our heads, He is a God who pays close attention to the details of our lives. Anita Von Canon once shared with me that she loved when her 2 daughters had matching outfits! She told me how God would often indulge that sweet desire of her heart.  Every time she was given clothes, there would be items that were matching - one in 2 different sizes, or 2 very similar items.

Psalm 139 opens with "O Lord, You have searched me and known me." This is so true. He is in the details of every second of our lives, every thought of our minds, every love of our heart, every tear that we cry, every hope that we have, every move that we make.

I close part 2 of this story with Psalm 139:5-6 "You have enclosed me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is too high, I cannot attain to it."


Catherine said...

So cool how God works. what an awesome story. Hope all is well. Miss you Catherine

Lindsay said...

Hi Jamie! I enjoyed reading through your blog and catching up on you and your precious family! Your smile is missed around these parts. Congratulations on your bun in the oven!

Amber Harrell said...

Oh Jamie I so needed this today! Thank you so much for sharing this and having such raw emotion.

Love and miss you much,

Anita said...

I love when people listen to me...!! LOL!! :) I want to mail myself there so that I can pop out and hug your neck!!!

It's true though...He is not burdened by the tiniest details, "He rules the world with His feet up!" He cares about me (and you, and you, and you!), and wants that relationship with me (us!)!

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