Monday, August 6, 2018

Unloading Anxious Thoughts

This morning I got up early for a doctors appointment. To be specific, it was a follow up diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound to rule out that a tiny round 'thing' in my breast wasn't cancerous. I've been anticipating this appointment for a while and was relieved that the day was finally here.

As I sat down to spend time with the Lord, house quiet, family sleeping, I opened my devotional to Philippians 4:6. The words 'Be anxious for nothing' seemed to stand off the page in three dimensional form. I couldn't move forward in the verse. It was like a stop sign had been placed at the end of that phrase. The Lord spoke to my heart, "Jamie, do you hear what I'm saying to you in this verse? There is nothing, not one thing, that you are to be anxious about."


Not one thing.

Not about the mammogram results. He's in control of my health and if He allows cancer, He's sovereign over that cancer.

Not about the financial support we have to continually reraise for the work we do with FamilyLife.  He's faithful to provide for what He calls us to.

Not about decisions my kids make or the outcome of their short 18 years in our home. He's 100% in control of their lives and futures.

This list goes on. I wrote down all the things that I was spending time worrying about. Then I felt him give me permission to move to the next part: "but in everything, through prayer and petition, present your requests to God..."

And that's where I've been meditating. I've spent the rest of this day (it's barely 1pm) praying about these things, sharing my heart with the Lord, enjoying that I am not to worry about any thing.

So fellow sisters, what's burdening your heart with anxiety? Write them down and unload them at the foot of the cross. Then cover them with prayer and petition. My prayer is that 'the peace that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.'

                                                             Press onward,


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Unloading Anxious Thoughts

This morning I got up early for a doctors appointment. To be specific, it was a follow up diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound to rule out th...