I sat down with my dad today to show him our blog and as I combed through past blogs, I realized I didn't have a picture of him on here! Actually, I think he was in a picture from the Mardi Gras parade, but being the novice blogger, I took it off because I didn't realize that I could keep all the pics on there after each entry! (Sorry Dad!) Anyway, I love my Dad and I am so grateful that he just stopped by today to grab a bite of chicken spagetti and visit with us. It made our day extra fun! Love you Dad!!!
Great picture.
Did you teach your dad how to read the 'comments'? If so, I hope he'll read this little message from me...
Dear Jamie's Dad,
Hi! I know we haven't officially met yet, but our family is very excited to come visit Texas! When we come, will you please promise to go to Wal-Mart with Jamie, me, and all the kids? I have never met anyone who can actually win toys out of those robotic claw machines, and I have heard that you are very talented! (I'm sure Bryan and David will be busy fishing, or I would invite them to this exciting Wal-Mart trip as well. wink!) I want to hear all kinds of fun stories about Jamie growing up, too. She is the best friend anyone could ever have, and I love her so much!
Sincerely, Sarah
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