Saturday, April 21, 2012


My boys are pretty great kids. And having the responsibilty of raising them to grow up and become men is both exciting and overwhelming! My husband is very good at encouraging me in this area. He's always reminding me of something we learned in James Dobson's book Bringing Up Boys - that as early as 18 months they begin to dissassociate from their mamas. It's at that point, that we mamas need to begin encouraging those sweet boys down the path of manhood.

Yesterday evening Bryan was repairing a chair. With his tools strewn across the floor, Eli walked over and began exploring. At one point I looked over and little Eli and his big grown Daddy were sitting side-by-side, in total silence, digging through the tools! What a manly moment between the two of them!

I recently started calling my boys M.I.T.'s - men in training...

.... some pics of them doing their laundry. Although they need a little coaching, they do a great job!

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