Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday's Tool

My husband loves the Tuesday Tools that I post. It greatly disturbed him that I haven't listed any new ones under Tuesday's Tool for Your Toolbelt.  I still can't figure out why my blog won't allow me to list multiple things in that sidebar. If you know what I'm doing wrong, let me know... Anyway, here is Tuesday's Tool...

Tie Strings. What? You ask?

I watched a How To Train Your Kids video by Michael Pearl.  He is a little controversial in his parenting, but he and his godly wife Debbie did successfully raise 4 kids, so I really take to heart his advice. He suggests spending time with our kids doing things like cooking, dishes, laundry, gardening, yard cleanup, hunting, etc... which results in string tieing -aka bonding with our little ones. I have to admit that this is very challenging for me. I have to purpose in my heart to do this one. (yes, I'm pathetic - I have a hard time stopping my to-do list to spend time with my kids.)  But I've noticed that even just a little tieing-of-the-strings goes a long way. Mr. Pearl notes that as parents we spend our energy disciplining our kids, which is what God wants us to do, but we miss the mark by not spending that quality time with our kids. So add this to your tool belt and go fold some laundry with your kids!

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