Friday, February 27, 2009

"Hold You"

Our sweet little Ellie is really beginning to talk and we are very excited about that! So a few days ago she was laying on our bed while I was folding laundry. As she was snuggling Bryan's pillow, she said "Bainchee". Well being the seasoned mommy that I am (hint of sarcasm here), I had no idea that what she was saying was "blankey". Eventually we ended up back at Bryan's pillow, this time snuggling "bainchee." So I wrapped her up in her bainchee and layed down next to her to talk with her. A few minutes went by and she held her arms out and said "hold you". Well my heart completely melted. So I snuggled her for a minute or so and as I started to sit back up she repeated "hold you" again! What a mommy moment! So we snuggled again until she moved onto other things to say and do. I praised God for that little time-out to remember God's amazing grace and perfect gifts that He so freely gives us!

"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."

James 3:17


The McNeill family said...

Oh, what cute pictures!!! And we loved the hairdo...

Allie T said...

I LOVE things like that! Especially, as you well know, as they get older and the moments become fewer and farther between. Right now my favorite mommy moments are things like when Landon wants to help me brush my hair, and the fact that he can voluntarily tell us he loves us and give us kisses and hugs. It's so wonderful!

Anita said...

SOOOOOO Sweet...I can't believe how big she is getting!! :) WOW! Love the "Mommy Moments"...

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